Oamenii din echipa noastra sunt consultanti cu experienta in HR, care au lucrat in companii internationale medii sau mari in trecut. Datorita faptului ca cunoastem mediul clientilor nostri, a vitezei de acordare a serviciilor si a calitatii inalte a expertizei consultantilor nostri, putem oferi clientilor nostri (candidati si companii) cel mai inalt profit posibil.
Filiala noastra din Praga este localizata la urmatoarea adresa:
Dukelských hrdinů 34
170 00 Praha 7
Jaroslava Baumruková | Dominika Walterová | Tereza Rydvanová |
Jaroslava BaumrukováPhone: +420 725 736 083 |
Dominika WalterováPhone: +420 224 815 189 HR consultant with university degree in psychology and HR management. In the past she worked in international company providing advisory, technologies, outsourcing and finance. She worked here as a consultant mainly in performance management, outsourcing and HR development. Now she focuses mainly on recruitment in FMCG and develops herself in compensation and benefits area. |
Tereza RydvanováPhone: +420 737 408 425 |
Pavel Malý | ||
Pavel MalýPhone: +420 224 815 189 |
Filiala noastra din Bratislava este localizata la urmatoarea adresa:
Gajova 4
811 09 Bratislava
Zuzana Becherová | Alexandra Gregušová | |
Zuzana BecherováPhone: +421 252 635 251 She is a HR consultant with a university economics degree. In the past she worked as a manager at one hotel chain. She also has experience in the area of sales, marketing, public relations and human relations. Previously she worked on EU projects as a consultant for information and publicity. Nowadays she works for a Business Development Company Ltd. where she is actively seeking for candidates of its important clients. |
Alexandra GregušováPhone: +421 905 929 092 |
Daca aveti comentarii sau intrebari si ati dori sa ne vedeti recomandarile, sau daca doriti sa va oferim testimoniale de la clientii nostri multumiti, atunci va rugam sa ne contactati.
Telefon: +407 2220 5515
E-mail: ciprian.vuza@b-de.eu
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